Ask for Walt or John
PHONE: 401-725-8141 MON-FRI 8AM-5PM EST
Required Tools
A list of the tools
required to rejuvenate and recondition lead acid automotive
batteries. |
Step 1
Cleaning battery terminals. |
Step 2
How to check battery cell
voltages. |
Step 3
Testing the individual
cells of a lead acid battery.
Step 4
Load testing a battery to
determine its condition. |
Step 5
The Hydrometer cell test.
Step 6
Adding the chemicals for
the reconditioning process. |
Sealed Batteries
batteries require an additional step before they can be tested
for reconditioning.
Chem™ Questions and Answers
Q. Can Battery Chem™ work as it say it does?
A. Battery Chem™ works on 70% of the batteries that are able to
pass our initial tests as explained in our training manuals and
videos. Battery Chem™ will not repair a shorted or totally dead
cell. It is mainly for the recharging of sulfated lead acid
batteries. Read the training manual and watch the videos on this
Q. On average, how long does it extend the battery life?
A. Our testing shows that when our chemical is used in a quality
battery it will last from 2 to 5 years.
We have revived giant forklift batteries that have sat in freezing
cold warehouses for three years and were never charged even one
time. Battery reconditioning is not an exact science and results
often vary. But 70% success is a reliable figure. We are selling
literally tons of it here in the USA. It is going to people who
recondition batteries by the 5 gallon pail. We have also sold it
to members of the military. Our factory in India has also. We have
already received certifications.
Q. How can I try this for myself?
A. You can purchase a sample package of Battery Chem™. There is
enough to recondition two automobile batteries. Purchase a sample
package on this website.
Q. How long has Battery Chem™ been on the market?
A. We have successfully manufactured and sold Battery Chem™ for
over 25 years.
Q. Are there any other products out there like Battery
A. We sell a dry mixed chemical compound and I have never seen
another product like it. We have tested many liquid products with
very bad results.
Q. Do we need a business license and permit for a Battery Chem™ business?
A. It would depend on your city and its rules and regulations if
you need a business license and permit. If you were going to do
your business from a garage where people would be coming to drop
off batteries, then I would think it is advisable to check with
your town/city requirements.
Q. Are there grants for this type of business?
A. We suggest that you check with your town/city offices. There
may be something that you can learn about to help start your
business. Battery Chem™ helps keep batteries out of the
landfills before their time. You never know until you ask.
Q. If I put in too much Battery Chem™, will it ruin the battery?
A. You can never ruin a battery by putting in more Battery Chem™.
Check on this web site for the correct amount for the automobile
batteries, and the forklift batteries.
Q. When I recondition a fork lift battery is there anything else I should do after it is finished?
A. Yes, you should always tell the customer about the Monthly
Maintenance Agreement that you have. It will not only keep
you in front of your customer, but it will also save your customer
money because you will be there checking the battery monthly, to
make sure that it is working correctly.
Q. What are the advantages of selling the Monthly Maintenance Agreement to my forklift battery customer?
A. Most batteries fail early because of improper service. The
people that drive the forklifts just don’t care about them. They
do not belong to them, and they also don’t have to pay to
replace the batteries. For instance they let the batteries go dry
and then they add tap water instead of distilled water. Based on
our experiences a battery can last three to four times longer with
proper service and Battery Chem™….that’s
the reason you should promote your Monthly Maintenance Service to
your customer.
Q. I have heard that over time adding water to the battery weakens the acid. Will adding Battery Chem™
stop the need to add acid?
A. We have found that many service people are sucking out worn out electrolyte and replacing it with fresh acid and then adding Battery
Chem™. You have to be careful not to exceed the normal specific gravity reading though. The old acid does wear out.
Q. Does Battery Chem™
work on golf cart batteries also?
A. Battery Chem™ is great for golf cart batteries! Each cart, depending on the make and model, have either 4 – 6 batteries per
cart, and you would charge a fee for each battery you service. As you can see, this is a very profitable business to be in! A good idea would be to do one cart for them for free, and when they see the great results you get from Battery
Chem™, they will hire you to do the rest of their fleet. The batteries in the carts are 6 volt
batteries-- they have less cells, but they are larger by volume, so you would use 2 tablespoons per cell.
Q. Do you have some type of guide on how to price golf cart batteries that we recondition?
A. You would set your own price according to what your market will allow in your area. Also look up the cost of replacement batteries to get an idea of what to charge your customer.
Q. If the battery must always read 12V before its ready to add Battery
Chem™, if it doesn’t ready 12Volts, does it mean it can’t be saved or that it’s life can’t be extended?
A. If the voltage is below 12 volts, you can give the battery a 30 minute hi amp charge and then retest the total voltage. Make sure to do a load test also. After you treat the battery, you charge it on high amps until you see all the cells bubbling. That takes 15-20 minutes then, at 2 amp usually overnight. It varies from battery to battery. If you do not have our automatic chargers, you just keep monitoring and load testing the batteries. After a few batteries you get a feel for testing and charging times.
Q. Once the Battery Chem™
has been added and charged, how often do you have to add Battery Chem™
again and re-charge it?
A. Once a year should be fine. If the alternator on the vehicle is working properly, you should not have to charge the battery. The alternator should keep it charged. If a battery goes dead, it can be from a bad alternator, dirty cables, loose connections, or a defective voltage regulator.
Q. How much Battery Chem™
is needed to recondition a battery?
A. 6 Volt Battery = 2 tablespoons of Battery Chem™ per cell
Solar Battery = 2 tablespoons of Battery Chem™ per cell
12 Volt Battery = 1 tablespoon of Battery Chem™ per cell
Forklift Battery = 1 cup of Battery Chem™ per cell
Q. How about 18 wheelers? Is Battery Chem™
good for them also?
A. Of course! Battery Chem™
is effective on all lead acid batteries. There are usually 4 per
truck. The batteries are 12 volts in most cases, and it is
advisable to put 2 tablespoons per cell instead of one. All the
cells should be tested for 2 volts each, before adding
Q. How do you test a fork lift battery?
A. The testing for the forklift battery reconditioning is exactly
the same as in the video for the regular 12 volt batteries, except
that forklift batteries have 12 cells = 24 volts, 18 cells = 36
volts, and 24 cells = 48 volts. The larger batteries are required
because more power is needed to lift the larger loads.
Each cell should read at least 2.2 volts to 2.5 volts when fully
charged. The technician should charge the battery, do the tests,
then add the Battery Chem™
to each cell. It is best to add 1 cup per cell. Then put the
battery back into service, and it will continue to improve with
each charging, discharging, and recharging cycle. Charging,
discharging and recharging results in a vast improvement in
battery performance. You can see a real time video on this
Q. Do batteries have to be on a charger while adding water?
A. No.
Q. How can I become a distributor for Battery Chem™?
A. Give us a call at the office, and we can discuss that with you.
The office number is 401-725-8141.
Q. Is there a MSDS report that you can send me?
A. Yes, just contact us at the office and we will email it out to
you. 401-725-8141